
1. Blood of the Father, Heart of Steel - TV-14-LV (Original rating) / TV-14 (Re-rating) / TV-PG-DLV (Current rating) / TV-14-L

2. Handsome Ransom - TV-14-DL (Original rating) / TV-14 (Re-rating) / TV-14-L - The word "pussy" being said earns it, but I still rate it TV-14 for pedophillia jokes.

3. Perchance to Dean - TV-PG-DLSV (Original rating) / TV-PG-DLS (Re-rating and alternate rating) / TV-14 (Current rating) - Just for "puss" being said. Also, ome use of "shit" in the uncensored version isn't an L.

4. Return to Malice - TV-14-DL (Original rating) / TV-14-D (Re-rating) / TV-14 (Second re-rating) / TV-PG-DLSV (Third re-rating) / TV-PG-DLV (Current rating) / TV-MA-L

5. The Revenge Society - TV-14-D (Original rating) / TV-14 (Re-rating) / TV-PG-DL (Alternate rating) / TV-14-L - Just for "dick" being said twice to refer to genitals.

6. Self-Medication - TV-14-DLV (Original rating) / TV-14 (Re-rating) / TV-PG-DLSV (Current rating) / TV-MA - Need to rewatch.

7. The Better Man - TV-14-D / TV-14-DL - A D for the pussy joke, Dermont saying, "You can both blow me," and a mention of oral sex. Also, "fuck" is not said in the uncensored version, but three uses of "shit" earn an L.

8. Pinstripes and Poltergeists - TV-14-LV (Original rating) / TV-14-V (Re-rating) / TV-PG-DLSV (Current rating) / TV-MA - Need to rewatch.

9. The Diving Bell vs. The Butter Glider - TV-14-DL (Original rating) / TV-PG-DL (Re-rating) / TV-MA-L

10. Pomp and Circuitry - TV-14 (Original rating) / TV-PG-LV (Re-rating) / TV-14-L

11. Any Which Way but Zeus - TV-14-DLV (Original rating) / TV-14 (Re-rating) / TV-MA-L - Need to rewatch.

12. Everybody Comes to Hank's - TV-14-DL (Original rating) / TV-14 (Re-rating) / TV-PG-DLS (Current rating) / TV-14-L

13. Bright Lights, Dean City - TV-PG-LV (Original rating) / TV-PG-L (Re-rating) / TV-14-L

14. Assisted Suicide - TV-14-D (Original rating) / TV-PG-DL (Re-rating) / TV-MA - Need to rewatch.

15. The Silent Partners - TV-14-DL / TV-MA-L - Need to rewatch.

16. Operation P.R.O.M - TV-MA (Original rating) / TV-14-DL (Re-rating) / TV-MA-L - Need to rewatch.

17. From the Ladle to the Grave: The Story of Shallow Gravy - TV-14-L (Original rating) / TV-PG-DLS (Re-rating) - Need to rewatch.
