
1. The Thin White Line - TV-14 - For drug content.

2. Brian Does Hollywood - TV-14-S / TV-PG-DLSV (alternative rating) - The blurred dildo isn't an S but Brian directing porn does.

3. Mr. Griffin Goes to Washington - TV-14 (original) / TV-PG-DLV (re-rating) 

4. One if by Claim, Two if by Sea - TV-14-L (original) / TV-PG-DL (re-rating) - Originally for fag being said, but not meant to be offensive

5. And the Wiener is... - TV-MA (original) / TV-14-D (first re-rating) / TV-14 (re-rating) - For crude sexual humor throughout.

6. Death Lives - TV-PG-DL

7. Lethal Weapons - TV-14 - Need to rewatch

8. The Kiss Seen Around the World - TV-PG-DLV

9. Mr. Saturday Knight - TV-14-D - A D for the term "Cleveland Steamer."  I would still rate it TV-14 for drug use.

10. A Fish Out of Water - TV-PG-DLSV

11. Emission Impossible - TV-14-D - A D for Lois said, "I'm not wearing any panties," then Peter says, "Then I guess you won't need a chair."

12. To Love and Die in Dixie - TV-14

13. Screwed the Pooch - TV-14

14. Peter Griffin: Husband, Father...Brother? - TV-MA (original) / TV-14 (re-rating) - Originally for racial jokes but it's too moderate.

15. Ready, Willing, and Disabled - TV-14 / TV-PG-DLSV (alternative rating) - Just for Streriod use.

16. A Very Special Family Guy Freakin Christmas - TV-PG-DL

17. Brian Wallows and Peter Swallows - TV-14-D - A D for Peter laughs and says, "Swallows."

18. From Method to Madness - TV-MA (original) / TV-14-D (re-rating) - A D for the dinner scene.

19. Stuck Together, Torn Apart - TV-14-S - An S for Cleveland and Loretta having sex.

20. Road to Europe - TV-14 - Brian and Stewie getting high at a coffee shop earns it. 

21. Family Guy Viewer Mail No. 1 - TV-PG-DLSV

22. When You Wish Upon a Weinstein - TV-14 
